[Extension][RC] Let it snow - Laisse tomber la neige

Présentations des extensions disponibles et compatibles pour les forums en version 3.2.x et 3.3.x de phpBB.
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dbrewood dbrewood
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Re: Let it snow - Laisse tomber la neige

Message par dbrewood »

My thanks, now in place. I'll see what my team think, it may be they prefer to have the Santa hat in place :)

One last question....... on your forum here your snowflakes look more grey in colour on my forum they look more white and tend not to be that visible against the site background. Is there a way to adjust this? The ones you are using look much better :)

As always thanks for your time.....
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Fred Fred
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Re: Let it snow - Laisse tomber la neige

Message par Fred »

The flakes are white in color but slightly toned down in this latest version.
In snowfall.css find this:

Code: Tout sélectionner

.snow {
  animation: fall ease-in infinite, sway ease-in-out infinite;
  color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.7);
  position: absolute;
For the color delete this , 0.7 to remove attenuation.
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dbrewood dbrewood
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Re: Let it snow - Laisse tomber la neige

Message par dbrewood »

Thanks, hmm still not seeing much difference. I tried changing to

Code: Tout sélectionner

 .snow {
  animation: fall ease-in infinite, sway ease-in-out infinite;
  color: rgba(200,225,237);
  position: absolute;
To make them blue-ish to match the icicles at the top of the site, but I'm seeing no changes? I have of course cleared caches.

I wish I understood CSS more :)
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Fred Fred
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Re: Let it snow - Laisse tomber la neige

Message par Fred »

Where do you change the code, in elegance folder or not?
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dbrewood dbrewood
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Re: Let it snow - Laisse tomber la neige

Message par dbrewood »

I changed it here:

Modifié en dernier par Fred le 22 déc. 2023, 20:27, modifié 1 fois. (Journal des éditions)
Raison: adding code tags - ajout des balises code
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Fred Fred
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Re: Let it snow - Laisse tomber la neige

Message par Fred »

You need to do in ext/caforum/letitsnow/styles/elegance/theme/snowfall.css because your board use Elegance style.
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dbrewood dbrewood
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Re: Let it snow - Laisse tomber la neige

Message par dbrewood »

Indeed I just realised that myself (idiot I am). Now changed and working wonderfully well :)

Again thank you for the assistance.
Modifié en dernier par dbrewood le 22 déc. 2023, 20:31, modifié 1 fois. (Journal des éditions)
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Fred Fred
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Enregistré depuis: 4 ans 11 mois
Identité: Fred Rimbert
Forum phpBB: https://caforum.fr
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Re: Let it snow - Laisse tomber la neige

Message par Fred »

Mise à jour en version 1.1.2 à télécharger dans le premier message
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dbrewood dbrewood
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Re: Let it snow - Laisse tomber la neige

Message par dbrewood »

Hi Fred, I've installed the new version, but I can't find where in the ACP to configure it. Can you advise please?
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Fred Fred
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Enregistré depuis: 4 ans 11 mois
Identité: Fred Rimbert
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Localisation: Le Lude - Pays de la Loire
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Re: Let it snow - Laisse tomber la neige

Message par Fred »

There is nothing to configure in the ACP
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dbrewood dbrewood
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Re: Let it snow - Laisse tomber la neige

Message par dbrewood »

Ah okay I remember that now. Clearing the cache has it workimg :)